The Irish Business Design Challenge is an initiative of Design & Crafts Council Ireland in partnership with The Department of Business, Enterprise & Innovation, Enterprise Ireland and the Local Enterprise Offices.
We know that small businesses are the bread and butter of Ireland’s economy. We also know that small businesses can make big changes. If you have had to re-imagine or re-invent your business as a result of COVID-19 we want to hear from you.
The Irish Business Design Challenge is a competition with a prize fund of €50,000.
We are inviting micro, small and medium Irish businesses to share the challenges they are experiencing as a result of COVID-19 and the solutions they have designed to resolve them.
The Irish Business Design Challenge will profile Ireland’s ‘hero businesses’ over a number of weeks. They will be invited to share their stories and solutions with us in detail as part of a live broadcast.
‘Hero businesses’ are those businesses that excel in coming up with innovative, smart, useful and relevant ideas or solutions, and which have a demonstrable impact and benefit on business, society or wider community. This might include environment, sustainability, diversity & inclusion, mental health and more.
A selection of ‘Business Heroes’ will be nominated throughout the competition by the internal panel.
Please note, selection in the Business Heroes does not imply that the business will automatically be included in the final shortlisting.
Prizes are categorised as follows:
Micro Enterprise Winner: €15,000 Micro Enterprise Runner up: €2,000
Small Enterprise: €15,000 Small Enterprise Runner up: €2,000
Medium Enterprise: €15,000 Medium Enterprise Runner up: €2,000
Celebrating Micro, Small and Medium businesses
Did you know?
We have over 248,344 SME’s active in Ireland and that they account for more than 70% of employment. SME’s therefore are the main source of jobs in the Irish economy. For this reason it is important to acknowledge and celebrate our Irish businesses as they continue to sustain and create employment for so many of our families, pals and peers.
Public Voting
We are also inviting the public to become involved, to reward and celebrate the work of our national businesses. Members of the public can read :
a) a summary of the business pre Covid-19;
b) the steps and impact of the solution taken by the business to resolve the problem.
The public can vote once only for each entry. The businesses with the top votes from Micro, Small and Medium Businesses will be included in the final 30 businesses shortlisted. Our expert jury panel representing both business and design sectors will vote on the final short list. Those businesses with the most votes will be awarded winners and runner-up of each category.